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Member Video Review: Sacred Acacia vs. Ayahuasca

Writer's picture: Aria NaidooAria Naidoo

This seems to be the Number 1 question on everyone's minds. Sofia Raye Epifeni, a recent retreat guest, shares her thoughts on how Sacred Acacia is different to Ayahuasca.

We loved having this incredible medicine woman join us in ceremony last month. Watch Sofia's full Video Review of her experience with us.

Is Sacred Acacia Ayahausca?

In short, Sacred Acacia and Ayahuasca are basically the same thing and the experience is very, very similar.

In South America, the term "Ayahuasca" can actually refer to a vast number of plant combinations. Some call her "Yage", and other tribes have different names for her.

While we commonly think of Ayahuasca as being a combination of the Yellow Caapi Vine and the Chacruna leaf, different tribes and shamans often create their own special versions, using other plants and sometimes adding other plants as admixtures. Using different plants also gives the brew a unique "spiritual identity". Some brews are very visionary, others are very purgative, others are extremely light.


In short, there is no one "Ayahuasca".


Sacred Acacia contains Acacia Confusia and Syrian Rue. Some groups refer to Sacred Acacia as Ayahuasca.

We often use the terms interchangeably, but prefer the term Sacred Acacia to honor the fact that these two plants come from Asia, not South America.

Hummingbirds sipping from flower


How is the Experience Different?

Everyone may have a different experience in each journey with Ayahuasca or Sacred Acacia. No two journeys are the same and not two people are the same. However, from many who have worked extensively with both sacraments, they report that the guidance of Sacred Acacia is slightly gentler and less "harsh" than Ayahuasca. The content of the visions can also be slightly different, although some people report having the same visions.

My subjective view: 

I like to say, "you still meet the same Goddess, but she's in a different palace".

When you journey to meet Ayahuasca, you might find a strict-yet-loving grandmother that reveals to you the Truth of the Universe in her jungle palace. When you seek guidance from Sacred Acacia, you meet a dazzling-and-compassionate grandmother, who shows you the Truth of the Universe in her cosmic crystal palace.

Read more about the differences in our blog about Sustainability of Sacred Acacia vs. Ayahuasca.


NOTE: Sacred Acacia is the Sacrament of Sacred Waters Sanctuary. We are legally permitted to serve Sacred Acacia to our congregation under the terms of RFRA (Religious Freedoms Restorations Act), 1993. Our spiritual leaders are trained and experienced ceremonialists who have completed special apprenticeships (dietas) and are specialized in energetic protection and safe shamanic journeying. Do not attempt to consume any controlled substances on your own.

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